HeadshotLet me start by saying I am a strong believer that people will come in and out of our lives at just the times we need them to.

It was actually coincidence I contacted Kevin, or so I thought; he was someone I knew from over 10 years ago and happened to stumble across him on Facebook. We chatted for a bit and he proceeded to tell me that he had just become a Certified Health Coach. I had been struggling with anxiety for quite some time, a result of a bad marriage. Kevin said “Well, I am a health coach you know, and I could help you with that”; I was ecstatic. He offered to coach me for six months and I was a hundred percent on board from that moment.


My top three goals when I started this journey with Kevin were to overcome my anxiety, eat healthier, and to become more physically healthy. Little did I know in the start that I would learn and gain so much more than I could imagine. I was going through a very mentally depleting divorce and never realized how truly low I felt about myself; I had become my own worst enemy putting myself down the way my ex-husband always had. Kevin stopped me in my tracks and changed that train of thought instantly. He sent me websites and videos to watch, recommended books for me to read. He even had me hanging sticky notes all over my house that were compliment-giving in nature.

He had me doing a lot of mirror talk, which I still use to this day. I will admit it felt very foreign at first to look myself in the eyes and tell myself how much I loved myself because really, in the beginning of all this I didn’t believe it. I don’t think Kevin truly knew how ugly I felt when I first started my journey with him, probably because I didn’t fully let on. I had spent years with a man telling me the reasons why I wasn’t enough, walking out on me and throwing me away five times throughout our ten year marriage, truthfully treating me like I was garbage to be easily disposed of.

Kevin gave me a lot of tools to use throughout our journey which have helped me overcome my feeling of not being enough. He started sending me recipes to healthy eating. I was one to never have breakfast, but there I was making healthy smoothies with fruits and greens, and enjoying them. Within a month I was taking proper minerals and vitamins, and feeling healthier everyday.

Meditation was a hard one for me, I struggled with the fact that my mind wouldn’t just clear of thoughts, it frustrated me! But then Kevin made me realize that it didn’t matter, I was still meditating regardless of what my thoughts were. In fact I hit a breaking point with meditation, with Kevin’s persistence on keeping with it; it was towards the end of my journey that I randomly started crying while meditating one night. I didn’t know why I was crying, I just was, and afterwards I felt really good. It’s hard to explain, but I finally understood the power of meditation.

Overall I am going to have to say Kevin helped me heal in so many emotional ways. I feel stronger than I ever have, I feel beautiful again and my anxiety is pretty much non-existent now. I eat somewhat healthier- not going to lie- I still have a few vices I need to overcome, and will in time with the tools Kevin has given me over my six months with him. Most of all I love myself in a way I never did before. Kevin is not only an amazing health coach, he is an amazing person who cares and listens. Towards the end of my journey with him, there wasn’t anything I was afraid to tell him or talk to him about. I already miss our Monday morning sessions via phone. Those phone calls with him had become a significant part of my life.

I owe a lot of my healing both mentally and physically to Kevin, without him I wouldn’t be where I am today. He will be in my heart always. Thank you Kevin for walking beside me and taking me on such an amazing journey with you; I will forever be grateful. Health coaching is your calling and purpose in life, others will be just as blessed to have you in their life as I did mine.